Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Keyboarding for the christian School Review

Good evening everyone, ready for a pop quiz? No cheating, ready? What is another word for typing? If you said keyboarding, and I was with you, I would give you a gold star! As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was sent an e-book titled "Keyboarding for the Christian School Elementary Version" by Leann Beitel. Leann is a teacher at a private Christian School and had a hard time finding keyboarding curriculum that incorporated touch typing technique and Bible verses. Ms. Beitel came up with her own book, how does that saying go "necessity is the mother of invention?"
The E-book is 87 pages and covers many topics such as the touch typing technique, Alphabetic Keys, Numbers and symbol keys, Number pad, centering, enumerated lists (IE: numbered lists), timed writings, a timing scale (this can help you grade your child's progress). You can check it out for yourself by clicking on the following link: https://www.christiankeyboarding.com/

A sweet ladybug named Miss Mabel takes students through keyboarding lessons, which are a must in this day and age. I give this book an A+++! The graphics are great and the lessons are simple yet put together well. Author Leann Beitel does a fantastic job of teaching keyboarding. The book takes you through practices to familiarize yourself with the keyboard. I like this because as the student is reading the book (or is being directed) they are able to practice along with the text. That seems to make the information so much more relevant to my children. Even my four year old (who LOVES to pound on the keys can begin this) and it is a great way to practice letter and number recognition for my kindergartner.
The e-book is put together in such a way that you are able to go at your own pace and each lesson builds upon the previous one. As time goes on the student will gain confidence in their skills. Eventually being able to type faster than writing. The book is timely for our homeschool as well. As third grade looms, I desire more independent learning to happen, this is one example of how I can do that. I can purchase a word processing program for my 9 year old and she can continue to build on her typing skills while writing Lab reports or book reports.
I LOVED the fact that Leann Beitel incorporated Bible passages into typing practice skills. What a wonderful way to keep God's word in front of us always. If you would like to see a few sample pages just click on the link here: https://www.christiankeyboarding.com/Page_2.php
The Elementary Keyboarding book I was sent is selling for $12.95. The Author also has another e-book for Secondary Grades. I highly recommend this product and was privileged to review it.

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