Thursday, January 7, 2010

3P Learning/ Mathletics Review

As a member of the TOS Homeschool Review Crew, I was given a 45 day trial to . I was impressed with the site. It was very user friendly and so before I invited my children to come play, I checked the site out. 3P Learning/ Mathletics has the following mission statement: "To engage every student everyday with a personalized, responsive and intelligent learning resource that inspires a delight in math and an innate drive to better results." Nice right?

Basically Mathletics is a web- based math service, providing children a chance to compete with students from around the world or to rack up points by working through grade specific content. Parents are able to view progress and the site offers a variety of ways to use math online in a safe environment. Even though the children can compete against each other there is no direct communication, which was very important to me.

My oldest daughter Emily who is 8, REALLY liked the site. Actually she asked to go on it over and over again. If you knew Emily you would be shocked. She is one tough cookie to please and she typically gets very nervous in a competitive forum. Emily loved making an avatar of her likeness and when she competed online, she got to see the other child's avatar as well. One aspect I like about the site was the view of the world map. If you choose to compete against other players around the world, a picture of the world map pops up and you see the computer scanning the map for a person to play against you. I thought this was a clever way to sneak in a bit of geography. Emily thought it was cool that someone from so far away was able to play at the same time.

I may purchase a subscription to this site, Emily really enjoyed it and my younger two daughters enjoyed watching, so for $59.00/ year for an online subscription to the site for one child, it may be worth the money (especially since Emily does not like doing math drills, this is a fun way to polish her math). The site was running a special, if you know the human calculator's favorite number (hint: it's "9") and you enter that when asked, you can purchase a single child subscription for $49.95/ year. I recommend checking out the site so you can see for yourself, go to

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